Lake Charles, LA 70601
The Cox Law Firm of Lake Charles is rooted in the best American values: The idea that the everyday person can stand toe-to-toe with big corporations, the idea that carelessness and negligence are not rights, and must be eradicated, the idea that justice isn’t justice unless it applies to us all.
Founded in 1969 by brothers James and William Cox, the law firm took risks, speaking up in the civil rights movement and providing strong support to unions. These risks irritated some, but they earned the loyalty of many more, and our law firm flourished. Today they are widely regarded as one of the most successful personal injury firms in the state of Louisiana, and a national leader in mounting class actions.
“If We Can’t Help You, There Will Be No Charge.”
Cox Law Firm represents individuals injured through the negligence of others in the southwestern Louisiana communities of Lake Charles, Sulphur, Cameron, Jennings, Oberlin, DeRidder, Leesville, Crowley, Oakdale, Eunice, Lake Arthur, Abbeville, DeQuincy and Vinton, and other communities in these parishes: Calcasieu Parish, Jefferson Davis Parish, Vernon Parish, Beauregard Parish, Cameron Parish, Allen Parish, Vermilion Parish, Evangeline Parish, Acadia Parish, Terrebonne Parish and St. Mary Parish.