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U.S. Navy's Blue Angels to Headline 2025 Airshow, STEM Grants for Local Teachers

Apr 02, 2024 03:36PM ● By Kelsey Swire
April 2, 2024- Lake Charles, Louisiana- The U.S. Navy's famous Blue Angels will headline the Chennault International Airshow in 2025. The jet team will be the centerpiece of the event, which will take place October 24-26, 2025, at Chennault International Airport in Lake Charles.


Airshow Executive Director Mary Jo Bayles made the announcement Tuesday while honoring local STEM teachers who have been awarded classroom educational grants funded by the not-for-profit airshow's proceeds. " We are beyond thrilled for our next show in 2025," Bayles said. "Mark your calendars early for it."

It's a return visit to Lake Charles for the Blue Angels after appearing in 2021 and earning live national TV coverage for the airshow on "Good Morning America." The Blue Angels are the Navy's aerial demonstration team, and they do more that just fly their breathtaking precision routines.

"When they visit, they go out in the public and they visit schools," Bayles said. "The first thing they asked about was what they can do in the community. They've heard so much about the hospitality in Southwest Louisiana. They're excited to be coming- and so are we." To see the Blue Angels in action, check out the video below!

The Airshow has been held biennially- in odd-numbered years- since the longtime local tradition was revived in 2013, with no show in 2020.

"The Airshow is a great community event and well worth the time and energy by a great team of volunteers who help plan and execute it," said Bruce Beard, Airshow President. This announcement was made at Million Air, the fixed-base operator at Chennault International Airport.

During today's media event, Mallory Beasley, Airshow volunteer and STEM Grant Coordinator, presented the Airshow STEM classroom grants for local teachers. "Our grant selection committee has awarded a total of $21, 031.38 in grants this year. Each school that applied was awarded a grant. I am extremely grateful to the board for recognizing the importance of reinvesting in our community through our classrooms." said Beasley.

You can watch the announcement video from the Million Air building at Chennault International Airport down below!


The grant recipients for this year are:

  • CPSB Virtual Instruction Program - VR Headset Library
  • Barbe High School - VEX V5 Robotics Competition
  • St. Louis Catholic High School - Engineering and Robotics
  • Life Christian Academy - Brainy Builders: Coding and Constructing with LEGOS
  • OLQHS Middle - Harnessing the Wind
In total, these grants will impact over 1,000 students this year, and for several years to come.

Take a deeper dive into each of these programs:

LCB Academy Virtual Instruction Program received $9,000.00 for a VR Headset Library. This will provide VIP students across all eleven high schools with diverse socioeconomic backgrounds with an opportunity to participate in virtual labs and expeditions. Students will perform virtual dissections, prepare microscope slides and explore careers in the medical field.

Barbe High Robotics received $3,490.00 for the VEX V5 Robotics Competition. The game for 2023-2024 VEX Robotics Competition is Over Under. This game teaches and tests teamwork, promotes perseverance in the face of hardship, and practices the engineering design process to approach and solve new challenges with confidence.

St. Louis Catholic High School received $4,994.95 for Engineering and Robotics. The school recently launched an Engineering and Robotics Program that aims to inspire and empower students to explore the fascinating world of STEM. They received a grant to fund the curriculum and professional development to implement the Project Lead the Way (PLTW) engineering program. The school applied for this grant as they seek partnerships with organizations that share their vision and can provide vital support to fund the necessary supplies and materials.

Life Christian Academy received $2,999.70 for Brainy Builders: Coding and Constructing with LEGOS. Brainy Builders is a collaborative and dynamic STEM education project that merges the excitement of LEGO sets with essential skills in coding, designing and engineering. It is a comprehensive learning journey where students visualize, create and adjust designs through a blend of science, technology, engineering and mathematics principles.

Our Lady Queen of Heaven School received $546.73 for Harnessing the Wind. The students will create a model of a windmill based on the nonfiction novel "The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind" by William Kamkwamba. The model of the student's windmill will be designed to produce enough wind energy to illuminate an LED bulb.